I am Writing a Book!

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And it is kicking my butt


Writing a Book Takes A Lot Out of You!

Some of you all know, who are loyal followers of my blog, that I have been very busy writing a book.

The idea formed when I was fresh out of college in 2007 and has not left my mind since. I wrote a few thousand words on it back in 2008 but had not returned to it due to a lack of computer, writing program, etc.

This year: Got a laptop.

This year: Got Scrivener.

And 2 months ago I was rockin and rollin!!

Now, some 84,000 words later and I am doing my first edit of the rough draft. And whew, what an emotional ride that was wrestling with all of the scenes in my head, fleshing out the characters that whisper to my brain cells and putting them into words, and preparing dynamic scenes. (Writing those intense scenes…was INTENSE.)

Now for the hard part. Editing. Searching for beta readers who will be generous with their time (for free, because, let’s face it…) and their input. Then querying agents.

So a brief introduction to what the book is all about, and if you’d comment please: Would love to read it. Would NEVER read it. Or something to those effects…I’d love to know 🙂 Thanks!

The book is a literary fiction novel (possibly general or mainstream fiction, women’s fiction, or literary-suspense…this depends on how an agent choses to market the book to the publishers. For the sake of ego, I have been calling it literary fiction as that was my original intent. Truthfully, literary fiction is difficult to market, to sell, and I am not convinced the writing measures up to being called “literary.” Hey, I am honest. I think mainstream fiction would suit me just fine. Just don’t call it YA, or my heart might break a little.)

On to the synopsis:

Book Title: Elephant Song

Cassandra Belle is a mess. Her good intentions as a mother have been swept away by haunting memories, trauma, and mental illness. Her parents and family disowning her. Angel’s father leaving her destitute, standing on the broken stoop, baby on her hip. And when her daughter Angel, now 15 and fiercely independent, falls prey to an online madman, Cassie has to call up strength she never knew she had, lean on people she never knew she had. When Angel disappears…everything changes. …click…click…click…click…

3 responses to “I am Writing a Book!”

  1. Sean Bloom Avatar

    Sounds like a great story and congrats on all the progress you’ve made on it!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Christina Ward Avatar

    Thank you Sean. I don’t know how I could have come this far without my Cat-U foundation and education in writing. I am forever grateful for humble beginnings and a great education…both have prepared me. I just hope it gets picked up by a reputable publisher.


  3. msb.life Avatar

    omg your story sounds so GOOD!! not gonna lie I wanna start reading now!! Good luck with your editing and can’t wait to see if all come to life!:)

    Liked by 1 person

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